8 Viðtalaísambandviðbarnsburð 1

10 recommendations for patients

Be active in decisionmaking with safety and quality in mind
It is important that patients are active in their own patient safety and patient quality in regards to treatment at the Faroese Hospital Service.

Here are 10 pieces of advice in regards to treatment at the Faroese Hospital Service.

These advices are modelled on and take inspiration from campaigns in Norway, Iceland and the World Health Organization (WHO).

1. Ensure your identity
  • Provide your full name and personal identification number (p-tal, social security number).
  • Ensure that the treatment is intended for you.
  • Ensure that your consent is confirmed when tests are performed,
    examinations conducted, and medical treatment given.
  • Check if a possible patient wristband has the correct name and personal identification number.
  • If you are to undergo surgery, ask the doctor to mark you with a marker pen
    (when applicable).
2. Describe yourself
  • About which types of medical treatments you use. 
  • About possible alternative treatments and natural remedies for you. 
  • About what else you do to improve your health. 
  • About food and other things you do not tolerate and about special diets. 
  • If you are pregnant.
3. Ask until you understand

When you are unsure or have specific concerns, do you ask questions?

  • Asking questions is important when you're uncertain or have specific concerns. It helps clarify any doubts and ensures you understand the information provided.

Do you ask questions when you doubt whether you've understood the healthcare professionals?

  • It's crucial to ask questions if there's any doubt regarding understanding the healthcare professionals. Clear communication ensures you have a complete grasp of the information provided.
4. Check your medicin
  • Is it the right health plan for you?
  • Are you satisfied with it?
  • Why do you need to take it?
  • How long do you need to take it?
  • How does the health plan work?
  • How does the health plan's effectiveness vary, based on diet and lifestyle?
5. Relatives can help you
  • To join in consultation, if you wish. 
  • To understand messages and remember details.
  • To speak for you when you're unable.
  • To write down the questions you want to ask and the answers you receive.
6. Obtain knowledge about your illness
  • Get knowledge about your illness.
  •  Know about the diagnosis/illness. Ask about examinations and treatments in detail.
7. Notify personnel if you are in pain or feel ill

Tell them repeatedly if necessary.
Tell them, even though it seems not to be attached to the diagnosis.

8. Reduce the risk of infection by washing and sanitizing your hands

Before and after meals.

After you have been on the toilet. Ask for disinfectant tissues to clean your hands, if you are on bed rest.

9. Ask about continuous treatment

Where is the continuous treatment given and by who?

Can pain be expected from the treatment?

Should you adapt your eating habits?

Should you relax and keep yourself from engaging in certain activities?

10. If in need of emergency service

Make sure who you need to contact and how you do this. Prepare for the information that they most likely are going to ask about.

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